Career Development

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Supercharge Your Career in Language Education

ACTFL can help you find your dream job and advance your career in language education. We have diverse resources that you can use to expand your skills, grow your network, and find new jobs and volunteer opportunities.

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Pair & Share Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

Have a specific professional challenge to deal with? Connect with your peers 1-on-1 to quickly find solutions and learn from others in a less formal setting.

Job Central
ACTFL Job Central

Find your dream job with ACTFL's job site, curated with language education positions just for you! You'll also find career coaching and resume writing resources to help you in your search.

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Find Volunteer Opportunities

Find volunteer opportunities and learn about ways you can use your skills and expertise at ACTFL

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ACTFLearn Central

ACTFLearn Central is your gateway to high-quality professional learning, keeping you connected with the most up-to-date and effective resources in language education.

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Tester & Rater Certification

ACTFL Certified Testers and Raters represent a critical resource to their academic institutions and to the world language profession.

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ACTFL Individual Workshops

ACTFL conducts virtual and on-site workshops designed to boost your skillset and prepare you for the next step in your professional journey.

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Learn about OPI Workshops

Take the first step to OPI Tester certification with one of ACTFL's industry-leading certification workshops.

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Internship & Scholars Program

A pathway to the profession with projects framed by ACTFL to further its research priorities, professional learning and other projects. Opportunities open annually each spring.

Scholarships & Grants

ACTFL partners with institutions of higher ed to offer discounted coursework to ACTFL members.

ACTFL Awards

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ACTFL Teacher of the Year Program

ACTFL's Teacher of the Year celebrates the best of the best in language education every year. Interested in participating? Check it out!

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ACTFL Professional Awards

Every year, ACTFL recognizes outstanding performance in all areas of language education. Learn more about ACTFL's award program and get recognized!

Power Up Your Profile

Get recognized for your language skills with secure authenticated Credly digital badges. Use them to enhance your online profiles, resume, email signatures, and to provide evidence of language proficiency to academic institutions or employers.

Contact Us

Need Personal Assistance? We Can Help!

If you need personalized assistance or have any questions about anything ACTFL, we are standing by to assist! Call us at (703) 894-2900 or email us at A team member will be happy to assist you.